Change happens… And if it’s not happening, something is wrong

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Change happens… And if it’s not happening, something is wrong

price turner cfos amy andersson

Change is inevitable. But it doesn’t have to be tough. As 2017 winds down and you prepare for the holidays, time off and celebrations for a new year, it’s time to review a few people and products in your business.

As you create personal resolutions, also create business solutions.

Who and What need to be on your team for success in 2018.

Look at your…

  • Bookkeeper.
  • Tax Accountant.
  • Lawyer.
  • Financial Planner.
  • Team.

A few questions fit with every single one of these…

  • If you don’t have one, do you need one?
  • Is the relationship working?
  • Are you happy?
  • Noticing too many errors in their work?
  • Up-to-date on industry trends?
  • Getting together enough?

A few big things to consider…

Tax accountants, lawyers and financial planners are your trusted advisors and you should feel comfortable with discussing things and asking questions when you do not understand something. Do you feel your questions are resolved quickly and effectively?

How is your current team? Is the person on your team now the right person? Do you need to hire more people? When and for what?

Also review your…


Are you using them or do you need more? Are you using your CRM system to its fullest advantage? Is Mailchimp still fine or are you ready to move to a more robust system like AWeber? Are you happy with your email, calendar, web hosting, email support, payroll systems? Are your accounting systems still working?  Maybe it is time to upgrade to the next level or go on-line for additional features.

Payroll Provider

They might be willing to deal if you’re ready to switch. These providers are worth their weight because you are not an expert in this complicated area. Too many mistakes can happen doing this on your own. These providers take a lot off your plate, like creating W2s, 1099s, helping with taxes and even paying contractors.


What has changed? Have any contractors turned into employees? Have you added a line of business that requires new coverage? Are all your vehicles registered in the same area as last year? Have you reviewed your worker’s comp policy lately?


Do you feel like a customer or a number at your bank? I have a client that has had fraud occur on her account on a few occasions.  The bank knows her business and recognized the fraudulent activity before she did.  The fraudulent activity would have caused her account to get overdrawn.  Rather than rejecting the good checks, the bank covered all the checks and waived the fees, because after 23 years with her, they knew her business. Would your bank do that?

Tax laws may or may not be changing. Be aware and make informed decisions by talking to your tax accountant, lawyer, financial planner and your CFO. There are potentially major changes that may occur.

Change happens.

Change is growth.

Growth is revenue.

Revenue is freedom.

If you want to chat further about any of the areas we went over today, feel free to reach out for a complimentary session with me.